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Why Won’t My House Sell In Buffalo?

You’re trying to sell a Buffalo NY house that just won’t sell? The market is fluid. One year, houses sell immediately. The next, we see price reductions left and right. Sometimes, though, certain houses transcend the current market trend. There are dozens of variables that could contribute to this. And that’s where we can help. These … Continued

5 Signs of a Bad Land Deal in Buffalo

With proper guidance on your investments, purchasing the right property, at the right price and time, is a much simpler undertaking overall than that of the typical commercial or residential investment. However, it requires dedication in order to avoid making a mistake from which you may never recover your financial loss. If you are considering … Continued

5 Things To Look For During a Mobile Home Inspection in Buffalo

As an investor in the mobile home market, it’s important to know these 5 things to look for during a mobile home inspection in Buffalo. You should be aware that there are rules under which residents in many mobile home parks are required to repair, The park may even initiate the repairs and bill you … Continued

5 Ways To Buy A House With Bad Credit in Buffalo

Your credit score is a very important number; it represents how you handle money. The higher your credit score, the more likely you are to make your payments on time and the more likely lenders are to approve you for loans. An Excellent Credit score is over 720; a good credit score is between 620 … Continued

5 Ways To Quickly Get A Down Payment for Buffalo Real Estate

Looking to purchase a house right now? Here are some ways to quickly get a down payment for Buffalo real estate.  Low Down Payment Mortgages There are a few programs to help first time home buyers that require very little down payment in regards to the total purchase price. This option will get you to … Continued

5 Things You Should Know About Buying Foreclosures in Buffalo

Are you in the market to buy low priced distressed properties? There are some things you should know about buying foreclosures in Buffalo. Kinds of Foreclosures First of all, it is important to understand that foreclosure is a process. The first step is called pre-foreclosure. This means that the property is in default and the … Continued
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